4 Common Winter Roofing Problems In Minneapolis

A Minneapolis winter is not gentle by any means. It brings with it freezing temperatures and harsh winds. The city receives an average of 40 inches of annual snow. These types of conditions can cause significant problems for your home’s roofing systems. Prominent Construction Roofing has been servicing roofs in the Minneapolis area for years, so we have an intimate knowledge of the types of problems that are common during winter in the city. Allow us to share some of them with you below.


Ice Build-Up

This is one of the most frequently occurring roof problems homeowners experience in Minneapolis. It occurs after a heavy snowfall, which turns into ice on rooftops, creating ice dams. This then melts overtime when it comes into contact with a warm surface, for example from internal heating. They give rise to a few off-shoot problems, such as risky weight on the gutters and roof itself, compromising roof and attic ventilation and getting in the way of water draining efficiently, not to mention leaks.


Roof Leaks

If your home has existing leaks this will be especially problematic as the harsh winter weather will only worsen them. There is also a high chance of new leaks developing given the excess of snow and freeze. This signals the importance of regular roof inspections and maintenance so that your home is well prepared for when conditions get really tough.



A common winter roofing problem in Minneapolis, condensation happens when warm air inside the home comes into contact with cold surfaces from the exterior. Should it continue, it will lead to the development of mold and mildew, which can compromise the roof’s structure. It can be avoided with sufficient insulation and adequate ventilation.


Pest Infestation

Because of the freezing conditions outside, animals and insects may make a home out of your attic, as it presents an easy shelter and protection against the elements. While it may seem harmless, over time, they can present problems as their weight may impact your roof’s health. Best to contact your local wildlife experts or excavators (for insects) to have them safely removed.


If you are in need of roofing services in Minneapolis, call Prominent Construction today. We’ll be happy to consult or schedule an appointment for a free inspection.