The short answer is, “Yes” but you do need to work very carefully, and it is something that it is best to leave to a professional. If you have a choice in the matter, it is probably better to wait a while until the weather warms up a bit.

Here are some things to consider:

The Ideal Temperature

If it is too cold, even the best asphalt shingles will crack when they are secured. Ideally, these kinds of shingles should be installed at a temperature range of between 40F and 85F. If you work outside these temperatures, you are asking for trouble.

Why Consider A Winter Installation?

Simply because your roofer might be willing to give you a good deal. Also, since work is no doubt scant, there is a good chance that it might go more quickly. Just take care when choosing the roofer. If they do not mention anything about the right temperature range, it is better to find someone else to replace your roof.


What Problems You Might Encounter

Another thing that can happen if the air is too cold is that the adhesive will not be effective. If the temperature drops under 40F, a lot of the self-adhering shingles will not stick. This is not an issue in the warmer months but can be a serious issue in winter.

So, you might decide to forego the asphalt shingles altogether and try a different material. You will be facing the same kinds of issues, though. Fiberglass, for example, is very brittle in the cold and can easily fracture while it is being installed.

Aside from working when the temperature is ideal, there are some other tips that can help here as well.


Keep the Shingles Cozy Before They Are to be Installed

This could mean storing them in a heated environment and only taking them out at the last possible moment.


Seal the Shingles Well

A professional roofer will be able to help with this. It is a pretty specialized technique. Normally, the adhesive is usually activated by the heat of the sun. In winter, where sunlight is scarce, another tack needs to be taken.

That means hand-sealing each shingle. Check with the manufacturer’s what they recommend to use as a sealant but more oven then not, this will be asphalt roofing cement.  The key is to get it in the exact right spot. You don’t need a lot and should ensure that none of the cement is exposed.

Pay particular attention to the eaves as these bare the brunt of the windiest weather.



So, yes, you can replace your roof in winter. But it is important to find the right contractor to do so. This is a more specialized function that requires careful handling. And, while it might help you to save a few bucks in terms of costs, there are also risks to be considered.

It might not be the best option for your home, all things considered so unless the issue is urgent, you will probably be better off waiting for spring again. That said, call us today to learn more about our roofing services.

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